Posture Correction

Do you struggle to achieve or maintain good posture? Dr. Ted Marriott at Stay Well Chiropractic Pasadena of Pasadena, CA, offers natural posture correction to help.

Posture Correction and Chiropractic Care

Posture may not be at the forefront of your mind at all times, but it does play an important role in your health, wellness, and quality of life. Poor posture can lead to many issues, including neck and back pain, herniated discs, and nerve compression. It can affect your vision, your mood, and many other factors.

Unfortunately, practicing proper posture isn’t always as easy as just sitting up straight. Injuries, weak muscles, and other issues can get in the way. Additionally, it takes time to learn better habits.

Whether you’re fighting a physical roadblock or simply need to master awareness and habits, you don’t have to do it alone. Below, Dr. Marriott and the team at Stay Well Chiropractic Pasadena in Pasadena, CA, explain how chiropractic care can play a critical role in posture correction.

Spinal Assessment

A core element of practicing better posture is correcting any structural problems. A chiropractor can assess your spinal column to determine if misalignment, disc issues, soft tissue injuries, or other problems make it difficult for you to achieve a neutral spine. If so, they can be addressed through natural, holistic methods, such as adjustments and soft tissue techniques.

Improving Core Support

It can be challenging to have good posture if your core muscles are weakened or damaged. In addition to soft tissue techniques that can relieve tension, chiropractors can recommend strengthening exercises that target your core muscles safely and progressively. As your muscles become stronger, sitting and standing straight becomes more natural.

Lifestyle Adjustments

Various factors in your daily life can negatively affect your posture. For example, working from a desk that is not ergonomically organized means you are likely constantly leaning, slouching, and hunching your shoulders. Even the shoes you wear can affect how you stand. Your chiropractor can provide personalized guidance so that you can set yourself up for success.

Learn more about how a chiropractor can assist with posture correction by visiting Dr. Marriott at Stay Well Chiropractic Pasadena of Pasadena, CA. Call (626) 808-1515 to schedule an appointment today.


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